Oh my gosh I love using these Charlotte gifs because 1) she is an AWESOME character and 2) they match my layout so well, don't you think?! But really she sums up every emotion I've had so far perfectly and WHATEVER JUST ENJOY...
I want to blog so badly right now but of course I don't have much to say. I think I just like posting for the sake of posting GIFs hehehe. Anyway I really would like to have some great interesting Disney-related posts up in this place but I'm in school for another three weeks. Once summer starts you guys (all six of you! Ha!) are gonna be sick of me posting.
Yeah so this is just gonna be my place where I talk about anything Disney-related. My friends from home and from college are sick of hearing about the CP and Disney in general as it is. At least you guys understand~
I see a lot of CP blogs that die right before the blogger usually goes off to FL. Idk if you people aren't as addicted to the internet as I am, aren't devoted, or maybe you're all just busy doing your jobs but it makes me sad because I wanna see some detailed reports, people! I won't let y'all down when (
if) I get accepted! At least, I hope not.
I think when I get out of school I will make a great big post of Things I Want To Do During The CP and then I can make it my goal to do that stuff. Of course I'm sure it'll all be stupid like Take 1,234 photos (Honestly, with my track record I could do that in about a week) and Ride Tower of Terror 20 Times in a Row (PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE I'm sure someone will do that with me!) but I wanna do it and that's that!
Umm all I have to say is, if any of you guys are going crazy waiting to apply (or waiting to move down to FL for all y'all who already got accepted, hmph!) honestly just leave me a comment. I'm ALWAYS willing to talk about Disney and I love being able to communicate with you guys.
Also a little disclaimer. I'm not from the South. I don't know why I say y'all but I do and i hope it doesn't offend y'all. (teehee) (Also I hope my overuse of parentheses isn't annoying [just kidding I don't care {are brackets ok?}])
OH P.S. NOT DISNEY RELATED BUT COLLEGE RELATED INDEED! I chose a major! HISTORY! Well, I will apply for the School of Education - Secondary Education with a focus in Social Studies (that's where the Hist degree comes in). Yippeeee! Actually this was a very hard decision as I'm used to a life with my parents' income...I am very fortunate to have two parents who work very hard to make very nice salaries and I just know my mom is crying because I won't go to med school or law school or clown college but I gotta follow my dreams, yo! Even if that means having a tiny salary! Ehhhh.